Downloadable full issues and article(s) from “Journal of the Heteroptera of Turkey

NEW…The current issue (Vol 6:1) is published May 31, 2024

The Journal of  the Heteroptera of Turkey  was founded by Prof.Dr.Suat KIYAK, a Turkish Heteroptera researcher in 2019 as an online Open Access Journal (eISSN 2687-3249).

The peer-reviewed  journal is published in English.

The journal publishes original research articles and review in the field of heteroptera, including systematics, taxonomy, morphology, ecology  and zoogeography, but it is also possible to submit reviews, editorials, technical reports, short notes, letters to the editor, and book reviews (please see in our online Instruction for authors)

All original research articles are reviewed by at least two referees in the field of submitted paper before acceptance.

The editorial and publication processes of the journal are shaped in accordance with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE),

Publication Frequency: The journal is published biannualy, with one issue in each of the May and December.

Manuscripts should be written in Turkish or English and the instructions and details in the authors’ guidelines. (Instruction for Authors) should be followed.

  • JHT is only published as an e-journal in electronic form.
  • All manuscripts are published online after the peer review process and can be accessed free of charge on our website (www.j-ht.org).
  • Authors do not pay any fee for published manuscripts.
  • Unique DOI is assigned to every published article- (Free of cost )
  • If nomenclature activities are carried out in the articles, the author(s) must obey the “The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature” otherwise manuscripts will be rejected without consideration.
  • ISSN: 2687-3249 (Online)
  • Referee Evaluation Process: Blind System Referee Evaluation Process
  • Publication Frequency: Semiannual [2 issues per year (November and May)]
  • Manuscript Languages: English or Turkish
  • Abbreviated Title: J. Het.Turk.
  • Accessibility: Open Access
  • Plagiarism Checker: Yes-The articles are scan with “Turnitin” for instances of plagiarism.
  • Abstracted/Indexed In: Index Copernicus, OpenAIRE, CiteFactor-Academic Scientific Journals, Academic Research Index, DRJI, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, EZB-Electronic Journals Library, Worldcat, ASOS Index, SOBIAD and ROAD.
  • Additional Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) Indexes: Biological Abstracts | BIOSIS Previews | Zoological Record
  • Indexed on EBSCOhost : “Academic Search Ultimate” and “Central & Eastern European Academic Source”

JHT is published by the Prof. Dr. Suat KIYAK (Heteropterist), in cooperation with the Turkish Heteropterists.

Prof.Dr. Suat KIYAK

Journal of the Heteroptera of Turkey (JHT-  Publisher)
c/o Gazi University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology,
06500 Teknikokullar-ANKARA / TÜRKİYE

Phone: (+90) 312 202 11 79
Fax: (+90) 312 212 22 79
E-mail: editor_office@j-ht.org

Powered by peer review management and editorial system Heteropterists.
